
Amy Armstrong
Name of Activity: We are doing two October activities! The first is having WHS students and staff wear green on October 10th for World Mental Health Day. The second we are looking into is having a “Hug Jug” table during the lunch periods on one of the days during Red Ribbon Week (October 23-31). Red Ribbon Week serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities to educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities.
Name of Advisor: Amy Armstrong
A few sentences about you: I am a hometown girl! I have lived in Williston my entire life except for when I was in college on the east side of the State. I graduated from WHS in 2002 and have worked in education for just about 10 years total. I love students and the energy that they bring, and I am super passionate and education and mental health; working as a school counselor and SADD advisor allows me the opportunity to combine these things and help to make a difference for WHS students.
Purpose of Activity: Wearing green on October 10th will help bring awareness to mental health issues in our school and beyond. It also shows support for the significance of mental health.
The Hug Jug event will be celebrated during Red Ribbon Week and will be WHS’s way of showing unity and visibility in the stand against drug use.
Exciting Plans for Activity: Having a school Dress-Up day on October 10th and a Hug Jug activity during Red Ribbon Week
Why people should join this Activity: SADD is being “resurrected” at WHS this year, and I am excited to see how our students develop the WHS chapter. I hope that the WHS chapter of SADD will grow a sense of belonging within our group members, encourage their resiliency, and help them to develop skillsets in leadership and advocacy that will lead to positive life choices.
Anything extra you wish to put to promote your Activity: If you have any questions about SADD, please come see me! I would love to answer those questions and help you determine if SADD is the right group for you