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Aileen Cavosora
SPED Paraprofessional
Emily Cowan
Grant Coordinator
Darren Dimapilis
4th Grade Teacher
Bryanne Duffin
Social Worker
Mark Joseph Fernandez
4th Grade Teacher
Justice Ferrell
Kindergarten Teacher
Melissa Frederick
Instructional Coach
Karisa Goebel
Special Education Paraprofessional
Diana Gonzalez
PreK SPED Paraprofessional
Desiree Gourneau
SPED Paraprofessional
Katrina Hall
Special Education Teacher
Sloan Hanson
Paraprofessional with Speech
Delena Harkness
Kristine Harms
1st Grade Teacher
Mariah Hendrickson
Jefferson Hofeldt
Library Media Specialist
Bridget Holloway
Admin Assist to the Assistant Super
Autumn Howard
1st Grade Paraprofessional
Cynthia Hunter
Food Service II